Thursday, September 6, 2012

Five Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Next Sales Presentation - simple Steps to Crashing and Burning

Preparing for that big sales presentation next week? If you're seeing for a can't-miss way to indeed screw up, result these five surefire steps to failure. One or two of them should work fine, but if you're shooting for an unforgettable crash-and-burn experience, try all five.

General Unpreparedness

One big mistake many habitancy make when approaching a sales call or a presentation is lack of preparation. They think, "Oh, I can just wing it; no one will ever know the difference." Well, think again. If you're unprepared, habitancy will know.

Improper Grammar

Nothing turns off a possible customer like a terrifying command of the English language. Of course, you could get lucky and your prospective client's grasp of the language could be worse than yours.

If you indeed want to mess up your chances at success, convention these lines: "Me and my colleague are going to tell you why you need our product." "Myself and my partners have been in this firm for years." "Him and me can riposte all your questions in a moment."

Spelling Gaffes

If you've just printed five dozen handouts for a presentation or - worse - spent half of the company's marketing funds on ten thousand copies of a brand-new brochure, only to observation they're loaded with spelling errors, you've got problems. If you think, "Oh, I'm sure no one will observation that teensy error," you're wrong. habitancy do notice. Maybe not all of them... But many of them will. And that reflects badly on you - and your company.

Distracting Vocalized Pauses

When listening to man speak, few things are as annoying as vocalized pauses. I mean, they're like, you know, indeed annoying. They make you like wonder if, um, the speaker like indeed knows what he's like talking about... Ya know? Trying to Be man You're Not

Attempting to sound "down with da homies" is fine if you're hanging out on road corners with your posse or spending your time in hip-hop clubs and after-hours venues - not when you're trying to woo a new client.

To avoid these pitfalls, result these five suggestions - and get ready to knock the ball out of the park at your next sales presentation!

Be Prepared

There's something to that Boy Scout motto. If you waltz in to that boardroom cold, you're going to leave in disgrace, with your tail between your legs... And without a signed contract. Take the time to know with whom you're meeting; that includes having the precise spelling of the firm name - and, for goodness' sake, know the names of the habitancy you'll be presenting to. How embarrassing is it to call the Director of New firm Acquisition Bob or Henry because you didn't take the time to double check that tiny detail that his name is indeed John? How much more mortifying is it for your PowerPoint presentation (which otherwise looks great, by the way) to consistently show the name of the target firm spelled incorrectly?

Speak Well - And Correctly

If you want your verbal presentation to shine, reconsider taking a firm English policy straight through a local adult-education program. Or check online for man who can offer language-skills training. Often, you can dispose a corporate rate for these sessions, so your entire outside-sales team can participate in the training experience.

Check Your Work

Don't gloss over even the most minor spelling errors. One of the biggest mistakes firm habitancy make is failing to proofread their marketing collateral before they forge ahead in a dizzy rush to get them printed and distributed. Take the time to ensure everything is precise - and that includes your firm name, phone estimate and web address.

Make Every Word Count

Well in advance, make a video recording of your presentation - and then relate it. Listen to your speech patterns; identify when you tend to insert vocalized pauses, and perceive they're nothing more than crutches. You don't need to rely on these vocal crutches. If you've hit a mental wall or lost your train of though, don't fill the space with an "um" or an "uh" or a "ya know." convention your verbal presentation until you're comfortable with its content. Know what you're going to say - but don't sound robotic and over rehearsed. As you begin to feel more comfortable with your words, they'll flow more indeed and you can eliminate the vocalized pauses from your speech altogether.

Look & Act the Part

If you're trying to present a pro image to grownups with real jobs and real money to spend, lose the road lingo and ditch the 'tude. It may not bode well for your "street cred," but projecting a polished personal image will take you much further in the boardroom.

If you result these five recommendations, your next presentation will take you further than you could have thinkable, or envisioned.

go to the website Five Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Next Sales Presentation - simple Steps to Crashing and Burning go to the website

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